Year 2024
Provided monies for the Welfare Fund
Provided monies towards the purchase of a refrigerator for the Home Economics Laboratory
Money provided by a member to purchase a washer/dryer for the Health Bay.
Year 2023
Provided 10 laptop computers to school and a student
Provided 4 sewing machines to the Home Economics department
Year 2022
The organization maintained its focus and stood firm in spite of the ongoing impact from Covid and continued separation from our Queen’s sisters.
Best fundraising results in the past several years
Sent final barrel of books to the school
Staged quality events that increased attendance and participation in the Stay-at-Home-Tea, and in our signature event – our Annual Walk-a-thon
Attracted new members – some of whom attended end-of-year get-together
Increased interaction and connectivity with the Jamaica chapter
Responded to unplanned requests from the school and sent needed supplies eg linens, masks, latex gloves and bandages
Year 2020
Provided 7 Flat Screen Smart TV’s to High School
Provided 200 Masks for students
Year 2019
Provided funds for extra lessons and for the Welfare Fund
Held successful fundraisers Walkathon and Stay at Home Tea
Sixth year of providing prizes for the Caribbean Spelling Bee Competition
Year 2018
Provided 2 more barrels of books and supplies for the library
Provided a Sewing machine to the school which was donated by a member
Fifth year of providing prizes for the Caribbean Spelling Bee Competition
Year 2017
Provided 3 barrels of books and supplies for the library
Fourth year of providing prizes for the Caribbean Spelling Bee Competition.
Continued support of the school’s Welfare Fund and Exam Fund
Provided funds to purchase 3 water tanks for the school
Year 2016
Provided prizes for the Caribbean Spelling Bee competition
Led celebrations of Jamaican Independence Service by organizing the program and coordinating the staging.
Continued support of school’s Welfare Fund and Exam Fund
Staged successful 16th annual Walkathon and held effective Stay-at-Home Tea fundraiser
Continued support of local charities through ongoing community service
Year 2015
Provided scanner and books for School Library
Provided funds for Welfare Fund and CXC Exams
Provided prizes for the Caribbean Spelling Bee Competition
Brought back Jamaica’s own Joan Andrea Hutchinson for a new production for a fund-raiser event in July
Held successful fundraisers Walkathon and Stay at Home Tea
Celebrated the Chapter’s 15th year anniversary with a Cocktails in the Garden event in August
Year 2014
Celebrated the Queen’s High School 60th Anniversary with a Wine & Cheese event at the Maloof Auditorium in March
Sponsored a Teacher and Student to attend the Jamaica 60th Gala celebration in Jamaica
Provided prizes for the Caribbean Spelling Bee competition sponsored by the Fulton County Library
Participated in the Jamaica Chapter brick building fundraiser
Promoted the sale of past Headmistress Mrs. Etheline Aiken’s latest book
Continued to support the other Caribbean organizations in the Metro Atlanta Area
Year 2013
Organized a community Immigration Town Hall Meeting with the then Honorary Consul Vin Martin and lawyers from the community
Sent 10 computers for computer lab to the school in Jamaica
Year 2012
Continued support of the CXC and Welfare fund
Provided monies for Discipline Alert Competition, Pickney Day and Girl Guides
Organized the Jamaica-Atlanta 50th anniversary Church Service and reception
Year 2011
Raised $2000 for the school’s computer lab
Maintained our contribution to the school’s welfare fund and CXC Exam fund
Year 2010
Contributed $3,000 to the school towards purchasing fans for every classroom.
Again in collaboration with the Calabar Old Boys Association of Atlanta brought up premier Jamaican entertainer, Joan Andrea Hutchinson “Dat Bumpy Head Gal” for a return performance here in Atlanta in Kin Teet Kibba Heartbun.
Year 2009
Supported the school with funds for CXC Fund, Pickney Day and Discipline Alert Competition
Year 2008
Again provided 7 scholarships for the students at the school in Jamaica
Brought up premier Jamaican entertainer, Joan Andrea Hutchinson “Dat Bumpy Head Gal” for a first time performance here in Atlanta. This was done in collaboration with the Calabar Atlanta Old Boys Association
Year 2007
In April had our first Annual Family Games Night event
Donated a computer and printer to the school’s staff room for the teachers use
Provided 7 Scholarships, increasing the number to 5 Merit based and 2 needs based
Again provided supplies and monies to the first formers for their Discipline Alert Competition
Hosted the 3rd Queen’s Reunion, October 5th – 7th
Year 2006
In March held the first Annual General Meeting of the Chapter
In April chapter members, Alison Thompson Gabriel and Verna Cole spoke at the Career Day held at the School
President and Treasurer attended the Inaugural Executive Chapter Meeting in Kingston, Jamaica from July 25-27
Featured in the July edition of the KC Old Boys Newsletter. www.kcobaatl.org/2006/july/article15.htm
Provided 6 scholarships, increasing the number of scholarships to 4 Merit based and 2 needs based
Hosted a reception for visiting Teacher June Saunders
Provided Plaque, supplies and monies to the first formers for their Discipline Alert Competition
Year 2005
Provided 2 merit based tuition scholarships to rising 4th formers
Donated over a $100 in supplies to the Art Department
Year 2004
Provided a $300 scholarship to Sixth Former Trishana Dunbar
Donated laser printer for student use
Year 2003
Planned, coordinated and hosted All-Queen’s Reunion
Honored former Headmistress, Mrs. Aiken, at All Queen’s Reunion
Participated in piano concert performance of alumna Christine Langley Wallner
Year 2002
Gave computer to Sick Room for mechanizing students’ records
Gave $1,200 scholarship to Alicia Reid for college
Collected and delivered about 100 books of fiction for library General
Actively participated in planning and executing celebrations for Jamaica ‘s Independence
Manned entertainment and First Aid booths 3 years running at Family Fun Day for Jamaica ‘s Independence Celebrations
Applied for and received tax-exempt status from the IRS
Successfully incorporated the chapter in Georgia
Steady Growth in Membership to 55 members since starting in 2002
Continue to support the events of other sister chapters in Florida & Jamaica