60th Anniversary Principal’s Message
Tags: 60th Anniversary, Events
Categories: Announcements,Events
The Queen’s School is a traditional high school committed to providing an excellent education for adolescent girls. We are proud of our long history. Our school Motto “Virtute Et Sapienta Floreat” which means, “May She Flourish in Virtue and Wisdom”, highlights our commitment to quality teaching and learning for an invigorating atmosphere that nurtures excellence.
The Celebration of the establishment of this noble institution provides an opportunity for reflection, introspection and anticipation. Since the commencement of the school in 1954 we have continued to offer a well balanced holistic curriculum with a wide range of academic, sporting, creative, performing and co-curricular experiences, including leadership opportunities and training. This illustrious institution has also continued to produce outstanding ladies in leadership roles and other diverse positions not only in Jamaica but throughout the entire world.
During several periods of transition and despite the many challenges, we encourage our students to be active participants in their learning in order to achieve academically and to strive for excellence in all assigned tasks.
We are extremely proud to have been rated among the top 20 performing schools within the Island. In respect to the CSEC Examinations, of a total of 1711 entries, 1463 entries recorded passes of Grades I – III representing a pass rate of 85.5% in 2013. This is an increase of approximately 2% compared to 2012 when the pass rate was 83.3%.
Sixth Form students continue to demonstrate excellent performance at the CAPE Level. The pass rate of 97.3% in 2013 showed an increase from 96% in 2012.
Based on the performances five (5) Sixth Form Students were placed in the Island’s top Ten (10) listing in various subject areas.
Additionally, your Alma mater continues to excel in sports, especially in Netball by winning the All Island Junior and Senior Netball Competitions and also the Urban Area Junior and Senior Competitions. The Queen’s Grace Jackson Track Meet which is an annual event has continued to be a great success.
The school, which has approximately 1600 enrolled students and a total of 135 academic and support staff, has experienced extensive growth in its physical plant. The major objective for this year is to raise funds to construct a Multi-purpose Auditorium that will be able to accommodate the school’s population at any given time. The cost of the Auditorium is approximately 100 Million Jamaican Dollars. I can just envision the laughter and facial expressions that this figure generates. However, I solicit the Support of The Queen’s School Past Students – Atlanta Chapter to organise fund raising events exclusively for this project.
We too at the Local level have instituted plans to raise funds and despite our economic hardship, the following events have been planned; presently there is a Block Drive in progress to raise at least Ten Million Dollars and we are soliciting support from all our Overseas Chapters.
On May 3, 2014 a Luncheon will be held at the Stella Maris Church Hall to launch our Mentorship Programme and several have pledged to participate. A banquet has been planned for August 2, 2014 at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel. This is so arranged, so that past students who would be vacationing at this time, would be able to attend. A beach party is also arranged for August 2014.
You will be delighted to know that for the 60th Anniversary Year a Facebook Page (The Queen’s School) has been created to facilitate our stakeholders.
Your Chapter has been supporting the School over the years and I wish to extend gratitude and appreciation for your continued support of your Alma mater. I know as a Chapter you will share in the dream of making this project a reality.
We have a lot to give God thanks for; and we thank him for sustaining your Chapter for the 14 years and your Alma mater for the past 60 years. On behalf of the Board and Management, Staff and Students of The Queen’s School, we wish God’s continuous blessings. May we continue to grow in Virtue and Wisdom.